Do you dream of having a quiet and peaceful morning? Maybe you dream that you are sitting at the table enjoying the first steaming hot cup of coffee while reading the headlines waiting for the day to unfold. You can simplify your morning when you retire or maybe sooner than that by tweaking your routine slightly.
The morning rush
The reality is that we rush around in the morning. There is nothing peaceful about it. We gather the things we need for the day, get breakfast, and make sure that everyone else in the family is also prepared. Then we get to work. We’re exhausted before the day even truly begins. What if you could change that? Simplify your morning by preparing for it in the evening. Here are 5 things to do in the evening to simplify your morning. Doing them will remove the stress from your morning and make it more peaceful.
Here are 5 things to do in the evening to simplify your morning
Pack your bag.
Create the habit of gathering everything you need for the next day in the evening. Do you need to bring a folder to a meeting? Put it in (or at least next to) your bag.
Ask your children to pack their backpack and their after-school activity bag with everything they need for the next day. Ask them if there is anything for you to sign. Is there a permission slip lurking at the bottom of their backpack? Have a designated spot for each member of the family to keep their bag or backpack.
This will avoid that rush around the house looking for missing items in the morning as you are trying to get out the door on time.
Make a prioritized list.
Make your list of things you want to do tomorrow in the evening. Remove the list from your mind so that you don’t lay awake trying to remember this list. Put the task that absolutely must get done first.
This study published in 2018 by the American Psychological Association found that people who wrote their to-do list at night not only fell asleep faster but also slept better. Make that list at night to sleep better and have a more peaceful morning.
Make lunch.
Do your children take lunch to school? Pre-package their snacks and sandwiches so their lunch boxes are easy to fill in the morning.
Do you take lunch to work? Even if you don’t actually go to an office, preparing your lunch in the evening saves you time during the day. You won’t walk into the kitchen wondering what to have for lunch. It will be ready for you to either microwave or just pull out of the fridge and enjoy.
Set out breakfast food.
Get the cereal boxes out of the cupboard, put out the toaster, and prepare the coffee pot. You can even place your coffee mug next to the pot. Doing these things in the evening makes it easy for everyone in the family to get their own breakfast. Plus, it’s nice to just press start on the coffee pot when your eyes are barely open.
Lay out your clothes.
Check the weather in the evening and decide what you’re going to wear. Remember to also accessorize your outfit. Pull out the scarf, the hair band, and any jewelry that you want to wear with your outfit. If your children don’t wear a uniform to school have them do this also. Don’t forget to gather the shoes and match the pairs. This will avoid the last-minute hunt for the clothing item you or your children want to wear in the morning.
In conclusion:
Add these 5 things to your evening to simplify your morning. You will sleep better and have a more relaxed, less stressful, start to your day. If simplifying your day is part of your plan this fall and you’re not sure how to implement these strategies, check out our Clear Space for You virtual clutter support group. Jonda Beattie and I will guide you as you recreate your evening routine to accommodate these 5 things to simplify your morning. Click here to read more blogs to simplify your life.
Diane N. Quintana is a Certified Professional Organizer® owner of DNQ Solutions, LLC and co-owner of Release, Repurpose, Reorganize in Atlanta, Georgia. Contact Diane for a free 30-minute phone consultation.