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It’s Time To Wrap Up The Year

By How Long Will it Take to Organize X
As we enter the final three months of 2023, we need to acknowledge the year is winding down. Do you have projects remaining to wrap up? Take a breath and evaluate where you are with the intentions you set for 2023. Before you begin to think about the projects to finish, make a list of all the things you have accomplished. Celebrate your wins. Go back and review your calendar. I am a member of a goals group that meets monthly. Each month we review our wins and set our goals for the upcoming month. I have notes related to…
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project bins

Project Bins Promote Productivity

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize, Blog
When I am working on a project, I like to have my desk clear of everything but the current project. However, I am always working on multiple projects. I would go crazy if I didn’t have each of my projects filed away in project bins. These project bins promote productivity for me and help me maintain my sanity. Imagine that you’re working on a project. You are on a deadline and people are waiting for you to finish. There are stacks of papers scattered across your desk and on surfaces around you. Some of these papers belong to the current…
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postponed until January

Delay New Organizing Projects Until 2022

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
Yes. I am a professional organizer, and I am advising you to delay new organizing projects until 2022. Please note, I do not advise that you forget about them. Rather I would like you to take a piece of paper and a pen or pencil and make a list of all the organizing projects you would like to complete in 2022. Once you have made your list, look at it a second time and determine if it is realistic. Maybe some projects can be deferred even further to 2023. Rank the projects you want to complete with number 1 referring…
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5 people looking for common reasons

5 Common Reasons You Don’t Complete a Project & How to Move Forward

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
As Professional Organizers Diane and I often get calls from people who are overwhelmed by projects that have been hanging around for what seems like forever. It might be a huge project like clearing out a cluttered home to put it on the market, dealing with unopened boxes scattered around since a move 5 years ago, or paper that has taken over an office and spilled into the rest of the house. We have found that most people have common reasons for leaving these projects hanging. These people are not stupid or lazy so why can’t they do this? These…
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