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time management

How To Create And Use A Communication Center

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
A communication center is a dedicated area that helps you keep track of everything that is needed to run your home. The purpose of the center is to create organization, coordination, and efficiency in your home. How to create and use a communication center Where should you put the communication center? Your household determines where you put your communication center. When I was single, it was in my office. But if there are other people in your home then the center needs to be in a convenient and easy location for everyone. Often it is in the kitchen or an…
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Time Awareness

By How Long Will it Take to Organize X
How aware are you of how you use your time? At the end of the day do you wonder where the time went and what you actually did? Some people have a natural time awareness while others do not. Here are my tips to help you improve your time awareness Track One very good way to improve your time awareness is to track it for a week. Keep a log in your journal of what you do each part of your day. Set alarms on your phone and then make note of what you have been doing since the last…
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Benefits of Setting Boundaries in 2024

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
You may wonder how setting boundaries will help improve your 2024 year. Think of boundaries as an invisible fence that protects you and has a gate that you control. Everyone has boundaries but not everyone has the same boundaries.  You want your boundaries to work for you rather than inhibiting you. Setting boundaries puts you in control of your space and time. Boundaries and space Your home is your special space and your refuge. Think of your home as a container. Set boundaries so that everything in that container has a place. The cabinets and shelves hold your items so…
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It’s Time To Wrap Up The Year

By How Long Will it Take to Organize X
As we enter the final three months of 2023, we need to acknowledge the year is winding down. Do you have projects remaining to wrap up? Take a breath and evaluate where you are with the intentions you set for 2023. Before you begin to think about the projects to finish, make a list of all the things you have accomplished. Celebrate your wins. Go back and review your calendar. I am a member of a goals group that meets monthly. Each month we review our wins and set our goals for the upcoming month. I have notes related to…
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Four Tips To Help You Focus

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
Do you often come to the end of your day and wonder where the day went? Are the items on your “to do” list barely touched? Maybe instead of staying focused and moving forward on your priorities, you drift from one thing to another, never finishing anything. You float through the day distracted by thoughts that pop into your brain with no sense of focus. You spend time looking for items you just used like your phone, your scissors, or even your cup of coffee. If this sounds like you, help is at hand. I have four tips to help…
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Reasons To Create Personal Boundaries

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
Most everyone knows that a fence or a wall set around a building is a boundary. It lets people know that when they enter, they are entering someone else’s property.  Why does someone want to have personal boundaries? According to Oxford Languages a boundary is a line that marks the limits of an area. When thinking about personal boundaries, I like to think of it as having an invisible fence that protects us and that has a gate we control. Everyone has boundaries but not everyone has the same boundaries. It is important that your boundaries work for you rather…
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How Do We Spend Our Time?

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals, Uncategorized
February is Time Management Month. Can we really manage time? Intellectually everyone knows that we can’t control or manage time. This is what we can do. We can manage how we spend our time. We all know that time just keeps moving along. Twenty-four hours each day and we can’t change that. So, when we say time management what we are talking about is good choice management. You can’t save time – just spend your time wisely. Before I give you tips to get better control of your time the first thing to do is track how you spend your…
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How To Get Almost Everything Done & Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed During The Holidays

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
It is impossible to get everything done, particularly during this busy holiday season. Plus, when you pile one task on top of another it is easy to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious during the holidays. You know there’s always one more thing to do. We, at Release Repurpose Reorganize are experts at time management. We have tips to share with you so that you can get almost everything done and avoid feeling overwhelmed at any time of the year and especially during the holidays. Tips to get almost everything done & avoid feeling overwhelmed Wake up an hour earlier Even…
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pantry shelf

Organizing the Pantry in 10 Minute Blocks

By How Long Will it Take to Organize X
Each October I deep clean and reorganize my kitchen. I know the holidays are right around the corner and I want my kitchen completely decluttered and ready for the extra cooking and food preparation that I do for the holidays. The first place I like to focus on is the pantry. Today I’m talking about organizing the pantry in 10 minute blocks so that it’s not overwhelming. If I can do it you can, too. The kitchen is one room that requires daily upkeep and maintenance but despite that daily care there comes a time to go beyond the wiping down…
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why do we do the things we do - drawing on the wall

Why Do We Do the Things We Do?

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
Have you ever wondered why we do the things we do? I wonder this all the time. What drives me to do some of the things I do? Sometimes I stop in my tracks after I’ve done something, shake my head, and think to myself “why on earth did I just do that?”. We, as adults, know that for every action there is either a reaction or a consequence. This is something we learn as we grow up. As adults, we can hear in our minds our parents chiding us saying “you shouldn’t do that” or “you should hurry up…
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