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change habits to get organized

Get Organized To Be Organized

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
Ask just about anyone what their New Year’s Resolution is and a large percentage of them will tell you something about getting organized. Some want to organize their garage, their attic, their basement, kitchen, closets, and the list goes on. It may not even be a specific project; they just say they want to get organized this year. Here’s the problem. Organized is not a destination. When someone says they want to get organized I want to ask what happens when you get there? Something has to change because anyone can get organized. The trick is learning how to be…
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shift the focus to the stuff

How to Shift Your Focus from Yourself to Your Stuff

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
As a professional organizer, I often am on the receiving end of comments like: I’m so stupid, why did I let this happen? Or some people say: I’m a slob, I’m a packrat, I’m a collector just like my parents and things like: I’m so lazy, if I were not so lazy my house wouldn’t look this way. Can you relate? Do you call yourself out? What are the names you call yourself or the things you say to yourself? Are these things on repeat? Do these nasty phrases cycle through your mind over and over again? Shift your focus…
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disorganized handbag

How to Organize Your Handbag or Purse in 10 Minutes or Less

By How Long Will it Take to Organize X
Is your handbag, purse, tote or whatever you are using to carry around your stuff like a deep, dark cavern? You know, a place where anything and everything can hide? It’s hard to find what you’re looking for in a bag that’s full of everything. Do you sometimes feel like your keys, phone, wallet, credit cards, checkbook, or sunglasses are lost because they are hard to find quickly in your bag? My mother used to call my handbag, my suitcase, because it was big and could hold just about anything. The point is that if just about anything can fit…
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Organizing experts, Diane and Jonda ready for work

The Unvarnished Truth About What Organizing Experts Do

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
Jonda Beattie and I are organizing experts. We approach organizing differently than some of our organizing colleagues. We are not the ones to call if you want your home to look like a magazine photo shoot. In all honesty, no ones’ home looks like a magazine photo shoot for more than an hour or so because people live in their homes. Naturally, pillows will fall on the floor, a cushion will be de-fluffed, and things will be left on kitchen counters. Life happens. We are the organizers to call when you are overwhelmed by life events, too much clutter, and…
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