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What is Your Reason to Get Organized?

change habits to get organized

Get Organized To Be Organized

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
Ask just about anyone what their New Year’s Resolution is and a large percentage of them will tell you something about getting organized. Some want to organize their garage, their attic, their basement, kitchen, closets, and the list goes on. It may not even be a specific project; they just say they want to get organized this year. Here’s the problem. Organized is not a destination. When someone says they want to get organized I want to ask what happens when you get there? Something has to change because anyone can get organized. The trick is learning how to be…
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reason to organize

The Best Motivator for Getting Organized

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
Everyone knows that it’s a good idea to get organized. Logically, we know that it’s easier to find what we’re looking for when we are organized. We also know that everything runs more smoothly when the systems are organized and when there are good strategies in place. If we know all these things (and we do) why is it so hard to get motivated to organize? I’m going to tell you how to figure out the very best motivator for getting organized. One of the first things to do is to define the purpose of each space in your home…
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Take Time to Reflect

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
It’s the last week of 2021. In many ways, I’m ready to say ‘Good-Bye’ to 2021 and welcome 2022 with open arms. But there’s also a part of me that wants to sit and look back at what was. I think before the start of a new year it’s good to take time to reflect on what happened that was good and acknowledge what didn’t work quite so well. I am so very proud of the work that Jonda Beattie and I have done with our joint business, Release Repurpose Reorganize, LLC, this year. At the end of 2020 we…
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decorating for the holidays - fall

Decorating for the Holidays. Why or Why Not?

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
The holiday season is upon us.  October has Halloween. November has Thanksgiving. December has Hanukkah and Christmas. Decorations start popping up everywhere – in stores, along downtown streets, in the Botanical Gardens, and in yards. How much decorating for the holidays, if any, do you plan to do?  When my children were young, I decorated for every season and holiday. Macramé skeleton anyone? Now, not so much.  Why do people decorate for the holidays?  1. Family Tradition They’ve always done it.  Every year a family that I know gathers at Thanksgiving and makes an ornament that expresses something they are thankful for in the past year. Then this ornament goes back…
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why do we do the things we do - drawing on the wall

Why Do We Do the Things We Do?

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
Have you ever wondered why we do the things we do? I wonder this all the time. What drives me to do some of the things I do? Sometimes I stop in my tracks after I’ve done something, shake my head, and think to myself “why on earth did I just do that?”. We, as adults, know that for every action there is either a reaction or a consequence. This is something we learn as we grow up. As adults, we can hear in our minds our parents chiding us saying “you shouldn’t do that” or “you should hurry up…
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Three Reasons to Follow an Organizational Home Maintenance Plan

By Uncategorized, What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
I know I am dating myself when I say that I grew up with the idiom, “A stitch in time saves nine.” Those who have never darned a sock or sewed up a rip may not realize that this saying points out that if you take care of a problem when it is small, it will save a lot more work later. This saying also applies to things which happen in your home. Having an organizational home maintenance plan to follow helps you in a variety of ways. When you stay on top of tasks in your home that keep…
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Why Clutter Hotspots Occur & How to Control Them

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
You have hotspots of clutter throughout your house, and it is beginning to really annoy you. There are three common clutter hotspots in most people’s homes: the laundry, kitchen and office desk. If you are like many people, the first thing you will do is to go out and buy some more containers to hold or sort all the stuff. Perhaps you get out one of your organizing books and decide your first step is to sort and purge. Maybe you call in an organizer with the hopes that they will make it all go away for you. Since you…
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stack of books to help with organizing

3 Surprising Things You Must Do So That The Best Organizing Tips Work

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
Most experienced organizers offer their clients much of the same advice. They may say it slightly differently but if you read between the lines and boil the advice down to its essence, it’s the same. It doesn’t matter if you follow Marie Kondo, Peter Walsh, or Martha Stewart the heart of the advice is identical. We, experienced organizers, give our clients the best organizing tips that are tried and true. We know these tips will work but you must do your part to ensure they continue to work after we leave. Let’s start by talking about the best organizing tips.…
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professional organizers: Diane Quintana and Jonda Beattie

5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Organizer

By Uncategorized, What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
People are often reluctant to hire a professional organizer because they wonder why they should  pay someone to do something they feel they can probably do by themselves. Would you hire someone to help you lose weight? To do your taxes? To mow your lawn? There are many tasks and projects we probably could do ourselves without help but these projects are not getting accomplished, and we are feeling overwhelmed. We can’t do it all. Let’s look at five reasons to hire a professional organizer: 1.You want to get unstuck, reduce stress, and alleviate that feeling of overwhelm You may…
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seesaw balanced and unbalanced

Want Balance in Your Life? Get Organized!

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
When I think about balance the first thing that comes to mind is a seesaw. When two people are on the seesaw, the lighter one goes up in the air faster and the heavier one stays down on the ground longer. They are never completely level, unless they work to get there. If we are talking about creating balance in your life, we are never talking about just two things. Demands on your time There are always lots of different things demanding your attention. Even if you are a single person, you have your home, your work life, your extended…
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