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Yield sign with personal boundaries written across the bottom

How To Set Personal Boundaries

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
Recently I wrote about the benefits of setting boundaries. There are all kinds of different boundaries. I believe the most important ones to set are your personal boundaries. But just how do you go about setting your personal boundaries? It’s important to be very clear with yourself about your values and priorities. Begin by making a list of all the different aspects of your life: career, family, religion, volunteering, health, recreation and so on. Decide just how much time, energy, and financial resources you want to devote to each aspect of your life. This will be your intention for boundary…
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Benefits of Setting Boundaries in 2024

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
You may wonder how setting boundaries will help improve your 2024 year. Think of boundaries as an invisible fence that protects you and has a gate that you control. Everyone has boundaries but not everyone has the same boundaries.  You want your boundaries to work for you rather than inhibiting you. Setting boundaries puts you in control of your space and time. Boundaries and space Your home is your special space and your refuge. Think of your home as a container. Set boundaries so that everything in that container has a place. The cabinets and shelves hold your items so…
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Repurposing Your Things Is Good For The Environment

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Do you repurpose your things? I love to repurpose furniture. One of the chest of drawers in my house is no longer used for clothes but has been repurposed as my wrapping station. The drawers along the top hold tissue paper, tape, scissors, and small gift bags. The three large drawers are dedicated to ribbon, birthday wrapping paper, and holiday wrapping paper. These drawers are so long and deep that I can also stash small gifts inside them. Repurposing things which we own is one of my primary missions as a professional organizer. Titles of businesses Do you ever think…
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By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
This is the time of year when we think about the things that are important in our lives. We offer gratitude and thanks for what is good. We learn to express thanks and gratitude at an early age. When I was teaching in primary school, every year I would put up a turkey on the bulletin board and each student would cut out a large feather for that turkey and write one thing they were thankful for. Everyone got to talk about why they picked their word. I loved this exercise. Many people keep a gratitude journal but let’s go…
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make a difference, spread kindness

Make A Difference Day

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
I think we all know that we make differences in people's lives and in our world but Make a Difference Day is a day to think about what else we might add into our lives to make a difference on this planet. Make a Difference Day was created by “USA Weekend” magazine in 1992 to offer community support and encourage volunteerism across the country. This year the official day is October 28. The idea behind Make a Difference Day is to remind us that each and every one of us can make a difference in our world. As we read…
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realistic benchmarks for change

Setting Realistic Benchmarks For Change

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
We’re about a month into the new year and most of us set the intention to make some changes. We set some lofty goals for ourselves. Maybe we see ourselves as 20 pounds lighter or our home cleared of all the holiday clutter and finally the place that we can return to and relax. These are not realistic benchmarks for change. Instead of setting lofty goals that are overwhelming, start with small, modest, and realistic benchmarks for change that you can accomplish and build upon in years to come. Mark Twain stated, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.…
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change habits to get organized

Get Organized To Be Organized

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
Ask just about anyone what their New Year’s Resolution is and a large percentage of them will tell you something about getting organized. Some want to organize their garage, their attic, their basement, kitchen, closets, and the list goes on. It may not even be a specific project; they just say they want to get organized this year. Here’s the problem. Organized is not a destination. When someone says they want to get organized I want to ask what happens when you get there? Something has to change because anyone can get organized. The trick is learning how to be…
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change habits to get organized

How To Create A New Habit With 5 Simple Steps

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies, Uncategorized
Do you want to create a new habit? It can be truly challenging to first decide what habit you want to create and then to make the habit stick. The author, James Clear, advises readers of his book, Atomic Habits to use the technique of habit stacking when creating a new habit. Do you know about habit stacking? It is when you link two habits together. This sounds simple, right? Well, it is and it isn’t. How to create a new habit There are several steps to take when undertaking this task. Step #1: Identify the habit you want to…
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Organizing in 10-Minute Blocks: Household Toolbox

By How Long Will it Take to Organize X
Somewhere in most homes there is a place where you store your household tools. These are usually the tools you keep handy for those easy jobs like tightening a screw or hanging a picture. I keep mine in a household toolbox. If you are someone who does a lot of repairs or enjoys woodworking you will probably have a serious stash of tools somewhere else as well. This would most likely not be in your main living area. I store my toolbox on a shelf in my laundry room. Once a year when I deep clean and reorganize my laundry room…
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5 Things to Do Before Summer Ends

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
School starts in just 3 weeks for many children here in Georgia. Can you believe it? Did you make your children some promises when school let out for the summer that have not been fulfilled? Even if school starts after Labor Day where you live, now’s the time to schedule these things to do before summer ends. Here are 5 Things to Do Before Summer Ends Go Local Be a tourist in your hometown. What are the local attractions, historical sights, museums, recreation centers in your hometown? Have you visited all of them? In these last few weeks of summer…
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