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10 minutes at a time

bookcase that needs to be organized

Organize The Bookcase In 10 Minute Blocks

By How Long Will it Take to Organize X
I had finished organizing and decluttering my desk and felt really good about it. Then I swiveled around in my chair and looked at my bookcase. Ugh! It really looked cluttered and disorganized.  It was definitely time to organize the bookcase. How did the bookcase get that way? Like so much clutter that comes into our lives, it was filled with items that I had not made hard decisions on. There were books I had received that were not read and some of them had sat there for over a year. I had reference books that I no longer used.…
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organizing our jewelry

Organizing Our Jewelry in 10 Minute Blocks

By How Long Will it Take to Organize X
Since Covid restricted our socialization a lot of us have not worn much jewelry beyond the earrings we put on during our Zoom meetings.  Our jewelry has been neglected and unorganized for years. It is time to spend some time organizing our jewelry to see what we have. This season I plan to go to several events and one of them is fairly formal. I am certain that I have the jewelry that I need but I want to check it out and match what I have to what I plan to wear. Some of my jewelry needs repair and…
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Organizing Your Refrigerator and Freezer in 10 Minute Blocks

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The holidays are rapidly approaching. Soon you are likely to be up to your elbows in preparing special meals and treats. It’s time to make room in your refrigerator and freezer to store these goodies. That means that right now you will want to clean out and reorganize your refrigerator and freezer. This is a task that we often put off as long as possible because it is so overwhelming. We are pretty sure that there are containers in the back that would qualify for science fair exhibits on mold and mildew growth. How long is that pickle relish that…
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Organizing in 10-Minute Blocks: Household Toolbox

By How Long Will it Take to Organize X
Somewhere in most homes there is a place where you store your household tools. These are usually the tools you keep handy for those easy jobs like tightening a screw or hanging a picture. I keep mine in a household toolbox. If you are someone who does a lot of repairs or enjoys woodworking you will probably have a serious stash of tools somewhere else as well. This would most likely not be in your main living area. I store my toolbox on a shelf in my laundry room. Once a year when I deep clean and reorganize my laundry room…
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organizing your children's closet

Organizing Your Children’s Closet 10 Minutes at a Time

By How Long Will it Take to Organize X
Summer is almost here. I love summer. When my children were young, we spent the summers swimming, sailing, and playing tennis. Being outside and active was the rule. We lived in our bathing suits, t-shirts, shorts, sandals and sneakers. This is a perfect limited wardrobe for hot summer days. Summer clothes are the best. Use the summer to spend time organizing your children’s closets bit by bit. All you need is a short 10-minute span of time to organize 1 small section. Everyone has 10 minutes to dedicate to a little organizing. Here’s the best way to tackle organizing your…
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laundry room shelf

Organizing in 10 Minute Blocks: The Laundry Room Shelf

By How Long Will it Take to Organize X
Once a year I deep clean and reorganize my laundry room. Part of the process is to take a hard look to see what I am storing on my laundry room shelf. It’s a scary thought, I know, but since I only do it once a year, I can handle it! The maintenance during the year is mainly keeping the floor clean and restocking supplies. Now it has been a full year since I worked in this area beyond maintenance, and it is time to re-evaluate the space. I have open shelving in my laundry room, and it is a…
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