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How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies

A woman and a man kneeling on the floor behind a coffee table in a family room dusting and polishing the furniture.

Household Maintenance – An Organizing Necessity

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Keeping your home clean and clutter free can seem like an overwhelming job. Clutter comes into every home. It is a sign that your home is lived in.  However, when you put a structured household maintenance plan into place, you gain a sense of control. This plan will ensure that clutter and disorganization don’t take over. Investing in household maintenance saves you time There is the old proverb, “A stitch in time saves nine.” It infers that if you have a small hole in your clothing, one stitch taken now will save having to sew up a larger hole later.…
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Multiple pairs of hands joining together to create a heart shape

Benefits of Joining a Virtual Organizing Group

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Virtual organizing has been around for quite some time.  This is when a professional organizer works one-on-one with an individual remotely. My colleague, Diane Quintana, and I both offer that service along with other professional organizers. The benefits of virtual organizing are many. Virtual Accessibility You can participate from anywhere. It doesn't matter if you are in the same area as your organizer. And while it is probably more beneficial to log in near the project you are working on, it isn’t absolutely necessary. If you are away from home, you can still participate. Safer environment No one is coming…
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a man standing with his hands beside his eyes so he can't see what is around him.

Clutter Blindness

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Clutter blindness is simply clutter that is in front of you, but that you don’t see. Usually, this clutter accumulates slowly over time but because it is never dealt with it begins to look like it belongs there. It’s not that people have a vision problem. It’s just that they have become accustomed to the clutter and expect it to be there. How does clutter accumulate? Clutter generally accumulates when tasks are not completed. For example, you bring in the mail and you might even pull out the obvious trash and throw it out or recycle it. The rest is…
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How To Create And Use A Communication Center

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
A communication center is a dedicated area that helps you keep track of everything that is needed to run your home. The purpose of the center is to create organization, coordination, and efficiency in your home. How to create and use a communication center Where should you put the communication center? Your household determines where you put your communication center. When I was single, it was in my office. But if there are other people in your home then the center needs to be in a convenient and easy location for everyone. Often it is in the kitchen or an…
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Repurposing Your Things Is Good For The Environment

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Do you repurpose your things? I love to repurpose furniture. One of the chest of drawers in my house is no longer used for clothes but has been repurposed as my wrapping station. The drawers along the top hold tissue paper, tape, scissors, and small gift bags. The three large drawers are dedicated to ribbon, birthday wrapping paper, and holiday wrapping paper. These drawers are so long and deep that I can also stash small gifts inside them. Repurposing things which we own is one of my primary missions as a professional organizer. Titles of businesses Do you ever think…
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Have An Extreme Decluttering Project? Here Are Some Tips

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
A friend or family member may ask you to help with an extreme decluttering project for someone they love who is overwhelmed and is living with clutter. You care about the person and would love to help. Offering to Help with an Extreme Decluttering Project Offering to help is a wonderful thing to do. It is also very difficult. It will probably take a lot longer to complete this extreme decluttering project than you expect. Prepare yourself to meet with resistance from the person you are helping. First and most importantly make certain that the person with the decluttering project…
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realistic benchmarks for change

Setting Realistic Benchmarks For Change

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
We’re about a month into the new year and most of us set the intention to make some changes. We set some lofty goals for ourselves. Maybe we see ourselves as 20 pounds lighter or our home cleared of all the holiday clutter and finally the place that we can return to and relax. These are not realistic benchmarks for change. Instead of setting lofty goals that are overwhelming, start with small, modest, and realistic benchmarks for change that you can accomplish and build upon in years to come. Mark Twain stated, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.…
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holiday decor

Make Space to Showcase Your Holiday Decor

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Most holidays I do not do a lot of decorating, but I do love to decorate for Christmas and showcase my holiday decor. It is one of my guilty pleasures. It’s so enticing when we are out shopping to pick up another unique and pretty ornament for our home. I also receive a lot of lovely ornaments from friends. My attic already holds boxes and boxes of holiday décor that I would love to showcase. Too Much Stuff and Too Little Space To Display My Holiday Decor But my house is small, and I do not have a lot of…
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change habits to get organized

How To Create A New Habit With 5 Simple Steps

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies, Uncategorized
Do you want to create a new habit? It can be truly challenging to first decide what habit you want to create and then to make the habit stick. The author, James Clear, advises readers of his book, Atomic Habits to use the technique of habit stacking when creating a new habit. Do you know about habit stacking? It is when you link two habits together. This sounds simple, right? Well, it is and it isn’t. How to create a new habit There are several steps to take when undertaking this task. Step #1: Identify the habit you want to…
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3 Ways to Use Our Organizing Deck of Cards

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
I can’t believe it’s already been two years since Jonda Beattie and I started talking about creating an organizing deck of cards to help people create more order in their homes. We know that  one of the best organizing strategies is to break the task down into very small components. So, that’s where we started. Jonda asked the question, “what can you do in 10 minutes?” Everyone has 10-minutes to work on one task, right? That is, if the task is small enough. That’s how we came up with the title: Organize Your Home 10 Minutes at a Time. Then…
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