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home organization

Seasonal Reorganizing Of Your Closets

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
The cooler seasons are coming which means now’s the time to get out the heavier sweaters, the puffy coats, and the boots. But what do you do with all the things that are currently in your closet? It can be challenging to reorganize your closets to make room for all these bulky items. Is seasonal reorganizing of your closets something you do? Here are some tips to make seasonal reorganizing of your closets easier Put shorts, sundresses, and sandals elsewhere when reorganizing the bedroom closet to make room for those sweaters and boots. Declutter as you reorganize the closets. If…
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Recycle images

Discard and Recycle Responsibly

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
Do you think about how you will discard and recycle something before you bring it into your home? A while back I read that everything we buy eventually will end up in the dump. This was an eye opener to me. I thought that if I was responsibly discarding or recycling items it didn’t matter what I bought. We buy things on a whim, and we think that if we don’t want it later, we can donate it or recycle it. And, yes, we can. But eventually it will end up in the dump.  My takeaway from this is to…
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bookcase that needs to be organized

Organize The Bookcase In 10 Minute Blocks

By How Long Will it Take to Organize X
I had finished organizing and decluttering my desk and felt really good about it. Then I swiveled around in my chair and looked at my bookcase. Ugh! It really looked cluttered and disorganized.  It was definitely time to organize the bookcase. How did the bookcase get that way? Like so much clutter that comes into our lives, it was filled with items that I had not made hard decisions on. There were books I had received that were not read and some of them had sat there for over a year. I had reference books that I no longer used.…
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simplify your morning so you can relax into the day

Want to Simplify Your Morning? Do These 5 Things!

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Do you dream of having a quiet and peaceful morning? Maybe you dream that you are sitting at the table enjoying the first steaming hot cup of coffee while reading the headlines waiting for the day to unfold. You can simplify your morning when you retire or maybe sooner than that by tweaking your routine slightly. The morning rush The reality is that we rush around in the morning. There is nothing peaceful about it. We gather the things we need for the day, get breakfast, and make sure that everyone else in the family is also prepared. Then we…
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Three Reasons to Follow an Organizational Home Maintenance Plan

By Uncategorized, What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
I know I am dating myself when I say that I grew up with the idiom, “A stitch in time saves nine.” Those who have never darned a sock or sewed up a rip may not realize that this saying points out that if you take care of a problem when it is small, it will save a lot more work later. This saying also applies to things which happen in your home. Having an organizational home maintenance plan to follow helps you in a variety of ways. When you stay on top of tasks in your home that keep…
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It was a small blessing that the branch did not hit the shed

Small Blessings: How to Look for the Silver Lining and Celebrate!

By Blog, It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
When something goes wrong there is often a silver lining within the problem – something that either didn’t go wrong or that worked out despite the problem. We call these things small blessings. If you can always keep a weather eye out for small blessings and then celebrate them then things may not appear so grim. Here are some tricks to help you find the silver lining in almost any situation. What else could have happened? A couple of weeks ago there was a big storm that swept through Atlanta. I had some HUGE (I do mean HUGE) branches come…
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