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Seasonal Reorganizing Of Your Closets

The cooler seasons are coming which means now’s the time to get out the heavier sweaters, the puffy coats, and the boots. But what do you do with all the things that are currently in your closet? It can be challenging to reorganize your closets to make room for all these bulky items. Is seasonal reorganizing of your closets something you do?

Here are some tips to make seasonal reorganizing of your closets easier

Put shorts, sundresses, and sandals elsewhere when reorganizing the bedroom closet to make room for those sweaters and boots.

Declutter as you reorganize the closets. If summer items no longer fit or if you no longer love the items, let them go. Even single shoes who have lost their mate can be donated.

Carefully check the items that you are packing up to make certain that they are clean with no stains or needed repairs.

Where to keep out-of-season clothes

Storing your out-of-season clothes in a clean but rarely used suitcase is a great use of space.  Placing the clothing in containers on the hard-to-reach top shelves is also a good option. You can use tissue paper to protect your delicate items. Never store items in a dry-cleaning bag as those bags trap in moisture.

Check your winter wardrobe

As you bring out your winter wardrobe, check these items to see if they are still items you will want to wear and if they still fit. Do you have too many heavy sweaters or coats? If you have items that you no longer want, now is the perfect time to donate them so that someone else can enjoy them.

Organize your closet to suit you

It is an ideal time to decide where all your clothes will live as you do this seasonal reorganizing of your closets.

How do you like to see your options displayed?

Do you want all your pants, tops, shirts, and dresses together?

Do you want items sorted by color?

Would you prefer to have clothes placed by activity options so that your work clothes, your work-out clothes, your formal wear are separate from the rest?

Do you like to put together pre-selected outfits?

Place your clothes so that it reduces the time you spend looking for the item that you want to wear.

Seasonal reorganizing of your hall closet

When working in your hall closet, consider having an over the door organizer that you can swap out seasonally. Your summer organizer might hold summer hats, flip flops, and summer bags. These summer items can be swapped for winter hats, scarves, gloves. If you have jackets and other wraps that you no longer wear, donate them now to make room for your winter wraps. Leave some extra room and hangers for your guests.

Clean the closets

Clean as you go. As you empty the shelves, give them a good wipe. Wipe down the walls and the floor. Look for any bugs or moths.

Remove any excess hangers. This might also be a good time to replace some of those hangers for a more uniform look in your closet.  Heavy coats might require a heavier hanger.

Once you have your closet seasonally reorganized, you will always have seasonally appropriate clothing front and center. This will limit decision fatigue or the frustration of not finding the right outfit for the day. You have breathing room in your closet, so it is easier to slide hangers and find that perfect outfit.

If you want help or just some accountability in working  or developing an organizational plan or project,  join Diane Quintana and me in our Clear Space For You clutter support group.

Jonda S. Beattie, Professional Organizer owner of Time Space Organization, and co-owner of Release, Repurpose, Reorganize. She is based in the Metro-Atlanta area. As presenter, award-winning author, as well as a retired special education teacher she uses her listening skills, problem solving skills, knowledge of different learning techniques, ADHD specialty, and paper management skills to help clients.







  • I used to have a closet that was deep enough to have two rods, one in front of the other. I used the one in the back for off-season clothes, and the front for current season. It was great, but since I stopped working in an office, I don’t have that many clothes anymore anyway.

  • Kim Tremblay says:

    Great ideas and suggestions for clothing. This is a current topic I am working with my clients on right now so its very timely. Some really great questions that help people to make informed decisions. Thanks so much!

  • Seana Turner says:

    Wiping down the shelves and getting rid of the empty hangers are two things that just make me happy. It can be funny to see how those empty hangers (e.g., from the dry cleaner) can really crowd your space!

    I like items hung by type in my closet, and within the type, by color. I just find this helps me get dressed. Not that I wear anything very complex or fancy, but ease of dressing makes my mornings easier.

  • This is such a timely post, Jonda. The weather in NY has been a bit odd. Last week was cool (sweater weather), and this week it feels like summer. As a result, I’ve done a partial seasonal clothing switch. My drawers have sweaters and sleeveless tops, yet my long-sleeved tops are still being stored. Sandals are still out for days like today.

    Soon, I’ll make the complete switch. I’m keeping my options flexible for now because the season can’t decide what it wants to be. :)

    I love the process you share in a calm, straight-forward way.

  • We’ve had on and off weather in our area, so I always suggest to my clients to work on some organizing during those rainy days. It is a good time to make the switch and get rid of unwanted items.
    “Never store items in dry- cleaning bags as those bags trap moisture” thanks for the reminder, great info.

  • Julie+Bestry says:

    I was well into my adulthood — already working in organizing, so close to 40 — before I realized this was a thing people did. Growing up, I had one closet and one chest of drawers, and other than switching my sweater drawer and my T-shirt drawer (back before I hung my T-shirts) in the dresser so I wouldn’t have to bend down to get “today’s” top everything I owned stayed in the same place all year long, grouped by item type (pants, skirts, blazers, long-sleeves, short-sleeves, dresses, then by color within “weight” class, heavy vs. light). Of course, now that I live in the south, 90% of my wardrobe I wear year-round!

    I never thought of myself as having a particularly large closet, and I’ve never lived anywhere since my childhood home where I had more than one clothes closet. So, imagine my surprise when I got to explore this tradition of switching out clothes seasonally. When I started organizing, I knew how to declutter and organize a closet, but I wish I’d had these tips to further guide me!

  • These are great ideas! I love hoe you’ve included looking at coats as well. Those closets get so much wear and tear and often become dumping grounds for miscellaneous stuff.

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