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How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies

Books on a shelf to read

Honoring National Read Across America Day

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
March 2 is National Read Across America Day. If it were up to me everyday would be a reading day. I love to read and often have several books going at a time. My frustration is in finding the time to read. This should be an easy fix for me. I’m an expert on time management so why is this a problem? Most days I have scheduled more things to do than time to do them. This means that I must have a triage plan and spend my time working on the tasks I feel are the most important. To…
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simple strategies are easy

Simple Strategies Need Simple Rules

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
My mother used to like to say, ‘keep it simple, stupid – KISS’. She was right. The simpler the strategy the easier it is to follow. This is why the primary rule I follow in organizing with my clients is to ask the questions: do you love it? Are you using it? Is it beautiful – to you? When a client answers ‘yes’ to one or more of these questions then the object in question is something to keep. Sometimes people over-complicate the strategies they use to get organized by creating impossible rules to accompany the strategies. This can cause…
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holiday decor in a clear container

7 Tips for Putting Away Holiday Décor

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
The holidays have come and gone and now it’s time to put all the lovely holiday décor away and make a clean sweep for the new year. While it would lovely if we could just say “Alexa, un-trim my tree!”, it is not going to happen. This is our task, and we want to do it right. Take your time with this effort. Carefully put each item away in its storage container where it belongs. The next year you will thank the now you for doing it correctly this year. I have seven tried and true tips to make this process…
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table set for a celebratory meal

5 Tips to Make Your Celebratory Meal Enjoyable for You, Too!

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
There’s a lot that goes into making a celebratory meal. These big event meals don’t just happen. You plan a menu, figure out how to make the different dishes (if you haven’t made them before), shop, prepare, cook, set the table and the list goes on. Wow! I’m exhausted just writing about it! This list of things to do to prepare the meal for others is endless. The one thing not on the list is that you want to be able to enjoy the meal just as much as everyone else! The key to making a celebratory meal and enjoying…
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a person with so many thoughts they are consciously stuck

Are You Consciously Stuck?

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Do you feel stuck? Picture this: you have a list of things to do, you know how to do everything on your list, but you can’t get yourself to do anything. Are you frustrated by this feeling? Maybe your list of things to do is so long that you feel overwhelmed by all you have to do. I took a class last week presented by Dr. Sasha Heinz. She calls this being consciously stuck. Dr. Heinz says there’s a divide between good intentions and action. You can want to do lots and lots of things but until you create a…
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holiday home décor on a Christmas Tree

Holiday Home Décor – How to Know When Less is More

By Blog, How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
The holiday season is upon us! Even with our social limitations of the pandemic or maybe even because of our social limitations, the urge is there to festively decorate our home with our holiday home décor. While I do not go all out decorating for Thanksgiving, Christmas decorating means a lot to me. I pull down box after box after box of holiday home décor from my attic. My husband rolls his eyes and keeps muttering “less is more”.  And perhaps he is right (to a point). What Is In All Those Holiday Home Décor Boxes? One box is marked…
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de-clutter the closet

How to De-Clutter Your Closet

By Blog, How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Almost everyone has clothes, shoes, and bags in their closets that are cluttering up the closet. Sometimes the closet is so full that it’s hard to see from one end to the other. This makes it difficult to find the garment they want to wear. Figuring out how to de-clutter your closet and keep it that way is the secret sauce I am going to share with you. Everyone has a different strategy for de-cluttering your closet restoring order. No matter which strategy you choose to follow, it will take time. This is not a quick fix. Marie Kondo says…
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Emergency Kit for natural disasters

Emergencies Happen – Be Prepared

By Blog, How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
While September is National Preparedness Month, emergencies can happen year-round. They often happen with little warning. You may only have minutes to evacuate. To improve your chances for survival, it is best to develop a plan and prepare a kit or “grab-and-go” bag.  Some great sources to use when making preparations are  and Judith Kolberg’s Organize for Disaster: Prepare Your Family and Home for any Natural or Unnatural Disaster. Have a Plan Put together a plan that involves the whole family. Because disasters can occur when the family is separated, have a communication plan and an emergency meet up…
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How to Organize with Garden Tool Storage Organizers

By Blog, How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Playing in the dirt is one of my great pleasures. I love to garden and have collected lots of gardening tools which I store in garden tool storage organizers. People often ask me how to organize their garden tools. Gardening is so much more satisfying when you have the right tools at your disposal. I keep my garden tool storage organizers with me when I'm in the garden. This way I can find the tool I want to use easily. If gardening is something you like to do also then you have probably, like me, collected several tools to use…
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5 Tips to Organize Your Garage & Clear Clutter

By Blog, How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Is your garage so full of stuff that there’s no room for your car or cars? Here are 5 tips to clear clutter and organize your garage so that you can store what you want to keep and have room for your car. After all the purpose of having a garage is to have a place for your car out of the sun, rain, snow and ice. 1. Sort the Stuff The first step in every organizing project is to sort the stuff. Figure out exactly what you are storing in your garage. It may have been a long time…
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