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The Institute for Challenging Disorganization

a woman taking a continuing education class

Continuing Education is Important

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
Jonda Beattie and I recently attended the 2021 Institute for Challenging Disorganization Virtual Conference. There were 10 world-class experts in their field presenting valuable and current information to the attendees. All of us there were inspired and re-energized by these fabulous continuing education classes. I want to share some of what we learned and why Jonda and I feel participating in classes such as these is important. Continuing Education Classes Anyone can call themselves a professional organizer. What sets us (and others who feel as we do) apart is that we are constantly taking classes and listening to recordings. This…
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stack of books to help with organizing

3 Surprising Things You Must Do So That The Best Organizing Tips Work

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
Most experienced organizers offer their clients much of the same advice. They may say it slightly differently but if you read between the lines and boil the advice down to its essence, it’s the same. It doesn’t matter if you follow Marie Kondo, Peter Walsh, or Martha Stewart the heart of the advice is identical. We, experienced organizers, give our clients the best organizing tips that are tried and true. We know these tips will work but you must do your part to ensure they continue to work after we leave. Let’s start by talking about the best organizing tips.…
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Organizing experts, Diane and Jonda ready for work

The Unvarnished Truth About What Organizing Experts Do

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
Jonda Beattie and I are organizing experts. We approach organizing differently than some of our organizing colleagues. We are not the ones to call if you want your home to look like a magazine photo shoot. In all honesty, no ones’ home looks like a magazine photo shoot for more than an hour or so because people live in their homes. Naturally, pillows will fall on the floor, a cushion will be de-fluffed, and things will be left on kitchen counters. Life happens. We are the organizers to call when you are overwhelmed by life events, too much clutter, and…
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