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a man organizing a digital file drawer

3 Reasons to Organize Your Digital Files

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize, Uncategorized
My friend, colleague, and business partner, Jonda Beattie, just wrote an article about organizing paper files. I am following up with an article on organizing your digital files. Are you wondering why? Even though we can’t see them, digital files need to be organized, too. I am going to share with you 3 reasons to organize your digital files plus I will tell you how to go about this. Very often people think that they can just save digital files in their computer and the computer’s search engine will find the file for them – no matter what. This is…
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simplify your morning so you can relax into the day

Want to Simplify Your Morning? Do These 5 Things!

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Do you dream of having a quiet and peaceful morning? Maybe you dream that you are sitting at the table enjoying the first steaming hot cup of coffee while reading the headlines waiting for the day to unfold. You can simplify your morning when you retire or maybe sooner than that by tweaking your routine slightly. The morning rush The reality is that we rush around in the morning. There is nothing peaceful about it. We gather the things we need for the day, get breakfast, and make sure that everyone else in the family is also prepared. Then we…
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difficult conversations

5 Ground Rules for Difficult Conversations

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
We’ve all had difficult conversations with spouses or partners, colleagues at work, children, and parents. We call them difficult conversations because they are just that, difficult. It may be that we are fearful of the person’s response. We don’t want to alienate them. Sometimes we don’t know how to bring up the topic because it is sensitive, so we struggle. Other times we gloss over what we really want to say and walk away knowing we didn’t make our point. What if it could be easier with ground rules that everyone followed? Wouldn’t that be great? As a certified professional…
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stack of books to help with organizing

3 Surprising Things You Must Do So That The Best Organizing Tips Work

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
Most experienced organizers offer their clients much of the same advice. They may say it slightly differently but if you read between the lines and boil the advice down to its essence, it’s the same. It doesn’t matter if you follow Marie Kondo, Peter Walsh, or Martha Stewart the heart of the advice is identical. We, experienced organizers, give our clients the best organizing tips that are tried and true. We know these tips will work but you must do your part to ensure they continue to work after we leave. Let’s start by talking about the best organizing tips.…
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