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3 Tips for Organizing Your Gift Giving

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
Gift giving is something we all do. Sometimes it’s spontaneous but more often we know ahead of time that we plan on giving a gift. There are always the expected birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, as well as weddings and graduations. And, of course, the hostess gifts. 3 tips to help you stay organized and on top of your game when it comes to gift giving. 1. Keep a list of people you give gifts to on a yearly basis and a budget amount you would like to follow.  I keep a running list of people in my journal that I give…
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7 Ways To Ensure Your Gifts Are A Blessing, Not Clutter

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals, Uncategorized
,Are your gifts a blessing? We like to think that our gifts are a blessing and not clutter. We picture smiling faces as the recipient opens our package. But what if that person does not need or want the item? What if the gift becomes just more clutter in their home? Then the gift becomes a burden. I recently worked with a mother who was decluttering her daughter’s bedroom. As we dug through the clutter, we came across multiple packages of bath bombs including one that was a red nose on a Rudolph card. There was also a plethora of…
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3 Ways to Use Our Organizing Deck of Cards

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
I can’t believe it’s already been two years since Jonda Beattie and I started talking about creating an organizing deck of cards to help people create more order in their homes. We know that  one of the best organizing strategies is to break the task down into very small components. So, that’s where we started. Jonda asked the question, “what can you do in 10 minutes?” Everyone has 10-minutes to work on one task, right? That is, if the task is small enough. That’s how we came up with the title: Organize Your Home 10 Minutes at a Time. Then…
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organizing your children's closet

Organizing Your Children’s Closet 10 Minutes at a Time

By How Long Will it Take to Organize X
Summer is almost here. I love summer. When my children were young, we spent the summers swimming, sailing, and playing tennis. Being outside and active was the rule. We lived in our bathing suits, t-shirts, shorts, sandals and sneakers. This is a perfect limited wardrobe for hot summer days. Summer clothes are the best. Use the summer to spend time organizing your children’s closets bit by bit. All you need is a short 10-minute span of time to organize 1 small section. Everyone has 10 minutes to dedicate to a little organizing. Here’s the best way to tackle organizing your…
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Gifting Mom with a Closet Organization Day

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
Usually when you ask a mom what they want for a gift they respond with what they really want is some time with you. While that is a wonderful thing to give, you want to give something a little more meaningful. Something you can provide. How about gifting mom with time spent helping her with a project that now may be difficult for her like organizing her closet? As we get older, and I know this firsthand, it gets more and more difficult to reach up high or low. If possible, we older adults may just ignore these areas. For…
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weeding clutter from the garden

5 Ways to Weed Clutter from Your Home

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
As someone who truly loves to be outside and playing in the dirt, I want to share with you some of the similarities between gardening and organizing. Did you know that weeding is similar to organizing? No? I want to share with you 5 ways to weed clutter from your home. This will simplify your routine which, in turn, lets you spend more time on things you love. Remove what you don’t want When you weed the garden, you remove what you don’t want from that patch of the ground. I have found that one of the best ways to…
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Take Time to Reflect

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
It’s the last week of 2021. In many ways, I’m ready to say ‘Good-Bye’ to 2021 and welcome 2022 with open arms. But there’s also a part of me that wants to sit and look back at what was. I think before the start of a new year it’s good to take time to reflect on what happened that was good and acknowledge what didn’t work quite so well. I am so very proud of the work that Jonda Beattie and I have done with our joint business, Release Repurpose Reorganize, LLC, this year. At the end of 2020 we…
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Change your attitude; attitude is everything sign

Change Your Attitude to Get More Things Done

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
Have you ever heard the expression, “Attitude is Everything”? This is part of the title to a book by Jeff Keller entitled: Attitude is Everything: Change Your Attitude…Change Your Life. The first part of the title: Attitude is Everything is posted on the walls in several places at the gym where I go to workout. The owner of the gym firmly believes, as I also do, that your attitude as you approach something difficult determines whether or not you will succeed. If you change your attitude to a positive outlook you will accomplish more than you anticipated. The gym owner…
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a young girl emptying the dishwasher

How To Teach Your Children To Be Self-Reliant

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
When your children grow up and move into their own homes, they need to have the skills to take care of their home. Teach your children to be self-reliant by giving them chores to do around the house. You may think you are doing them a favor as they get older by taking over the chores, helping them solve their problems, and making sure their lives run smoothly but you are not. When young adults, living on their own are not self-reliant they run into all sorts of roadblocks. Homes become messy, laundry piles up, and things get lost in…
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