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How To Create And Use A Communication Center

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
A communication center is a dedicated area that helps you keep track of everything that is needed to run your home. The purpose of the center is to create organization, coordination, and efficiency in your home. How to create and use a communication center Where should you put the communication center? Your household determines where you put your communication center. When I was single, it was in my office. But if there are other people in your home then the center needs to be in a convenient and easy location for everyone. Often it is in the kitchen or an…
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How Do We Spend Our Time?

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals, Uncategorized
February is Time Management Month. Can we really manage time? Intellectually everyone knows that we can’t control or manage time. This is what we can do. We can manage how we spend our time. We all know that time just keeps moving along. Twenty-four hours each day and we can’t change that. So, when we say time management what we are talking about is good choice management. You can’t save time – just spend your time wisely. Before I give you tips to get better control of your time the first thing to do is track how you spend your…
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How To Get Almost Everything Done & Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed During The Holidays

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
It is impossible to get everything done, particularly during this busy holiday season. Plus, when you pile one task on top of another it is easy to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious during the holidays. You know there’s always one more thing to do. We, at Release Repurpose Reorganize are experts at time management. We have tips to share with you so that you can get almost everything done and avoid feeling overwhelmed at any time of the year and especially during the holidays. Tips to get almost everything done & avoid feeling overwhelmed Wake up an hour earlier Even…
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celebrations and parties in June

June – The Month for Celebrations and Parties

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
Summer is here! Days are getting longer. June is a wonderful month for celebrations and parties. There are so many things to celebrate. June is the month for Father’s Day, weddings, family reunions, and it’s always someone’s birthday. So, let’s throw a party! I know, I know --- organizing a party can cause anxiety and be stressful if you don’t have a plan. As an avid party thrower, let me help you with that plan so that you can enjoy the celebration along with your guests. Your 7 Step Celebrations and Parties Planner 1. Have a theme or reason for…
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table set for 2 for a romantic evening

Make a Plan for a Romantic Evening

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies, Uncategorized
Valentine’s Day is considered a day for romance.  While the special day has been around for a long time, the day became associated with romantic love in the 14th and 15th centuries.  Today it’s an opportunity to spice up a relationship and show the love. You want to set the mood for your own romantic evening. You close your eyes and envision the pair of you cuddled up on the couch, watching a romantic movie. The lights are dim. But then you open your eyes and look around your love nest. You notice the piles of shoes kicked off by that…
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7 Tips to Help You Enjoy the Season

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
You’ve worked hard to make this season the best one yet. But are you ready to really enjoy the season? You’ve decorated, prepared special foods, sent out cards and packages, maybe planned or given a party or had friends over for drinks or dinner. You’ve scheduled time to go to work related parties and activities at your church. But have you taken the time to think about what makes this holiday enjoyable and meaningful for you? It’s not too late. Here are 7 tips to help you enjoy the season: Make This Holiday Joyful for You Reflect on what makes…
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