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laundry room

The 5 Best Small Laundry Room Ideas

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
The smaller the laundry room the more important it is to have a specific place to put everything. This makes it is easy to retrieve and put things away. It is also important to remove any unnecessary items so that you have room for the essentials . Say goodbye to wire hangers, mismatched socks that have been around forever, and any products you don’t use in this area. Let’s start with the essentials. The most important tool in your laundry room is the washing machine. Only slightly less important is the dryer. If your space is small, stack the washer…
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de-clutter the closet

How to De-Clutter Your Closet

By Blog, How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Almost everyone has clothes, shoes, and bags in their closets that are cluttering up the closet. Sometimes the closet is so full that it’s hard to see from one end to the other. This makes it difficult to find the garment they want to wear. Figuring out how to de-clutter your closet and keep it that way is the secret sauce I am going to share with you. Everyone has a different strategy for de-cluttering your closet restoring order. No matter which strategy you choose to follow, it will take time. This is not a quick fix. Marie Kondo says…
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How to Focus Your Scattered Thoughts & Get Organized

By Blog, It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
Scattered thoughts can make you feel confused and out of sorts. In fact, they can totally disrupt your day and prevent you from getting anything done. When you have so many different thought s swirling around in your head, it's hard to keep track of what you're supposed to be doing. Have you ever arrived somewhere only to realize you had no idea how you got there? Have you ever laid something down and a few minutes later have no idea where it is? Have you had a conversation with someone and later have no idea of the main points…
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Top 3 Reasons You Need to Have a Family Command Center

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
When I think about a command center it conjures up images of a central command station. There is the person in charge and then lots of helpers running around dealing with various aspects of the project or mission. What is a Family Command Center? A family command center is just like that, it serves as the hub for all the important information. It is also the processing point for information that comes into your home. Repairs are scheduled for the home. When we are comfortable doing so: babysitters are booked, playdates are arranged, carpools are coordinated with neighbors, and vacations…
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Emergency Kit for natural disasters

Emergencies Happen – Be Prepared

By Blog, How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
While September is National Preparedness Month, emergencies can happen year-round. They often happen with little warning. You may only have minutes to evacuate. To improve your chances for survival, it is best to develop a plan and prepare a kit or “grab-and-go” bag.  Some great sources to use when making preparations are  and Judith Kolberg’s Organize for Disaster: Prepare Your Family and Home for any Natural or Unnatural Disaster. Have a Plan Put together a plan that involves the whole family. Because disasters can occur when the family is separated, have a communication plan and an emergency meet up…
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peace of mind - family activities

How to Get More Organized and Give Yourself Peace of Mind

By Blog, What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
Do you wonder where you left your keys, wallet, or phone? Do you worry that you have misplaced your belongings?  If there was a fire, would you be able to put your hands on your most important documents? Learn how to get organized and give yourself peace of mind. When you are organized your things have homes. You know where your keys, wallet and phone are because you put them away where they belong. You know where your vital documents are because you have copied these documents. One copy is in the cloud, one copy in a fire safe box,…
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Oliver and Grandma at the playground

Being a Grandparent is an Important Role

By Blog, It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
My grandparents are long gone, and I have many different memories of them. My maternal grandmother died when I was a young teen. I remember one-time lying-in bed with her and noticing her hand with the veins protruding. I asked if they hurt. She looked at me and  laughed, and said “No, it’s just what happens when you get old. After all, I am half a century now!”. Half a century seemed so old. Now, in my 70’s I became a grandmother for the first time. Being a grandparent changes your world in so many ways. I want my grandchildren…
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How to Organize with Garden Tool Storage Organizers

By Blog, How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Playing in the dirt is one of my great pleasures. I love to garden and have collected lots of gardening tools which I store in garden tool storage organizers. People often ask me how to organize their garden tools. Gardening is so much more satisfying when you have the right tools at your disposal. I keep my garden tool storage organizers with me when I'm in the garden. This way I can find the tool I want to use easily. If gardening is something you like to do also then you have probably, like me, collected several tools to use…
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5 Tips to Organize Your Garage & Clear Clutter

By Blog, How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Is your garage so full of stuff that there’s no room for your car or cars? Here are 5 tips to clear clutter and organize your garage so that you can store what you want to keep and have room for your car. After all the purpose of having a garage is to have a place for your car out of the sun, rain, snow and ice. 1. Sort the Stuff The first step in every organizing project is to sort the stuff. Figure out exactly what you are storing in your garage. It may have been a long time…
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a fatigued woman looking at clutter

Break the Fatigue Clutter Cycle

By Blog, How Long Will it Take to Organize X
Does just looking at clutter make you feel tired? Maybe it makes you want to walk out of the room, close the door, and find a calm place in which to relax. I think we all feel that way sometimes. Let's talk about ways we can break the vicious clutter cycle and feel less fatigued. I was working virtually with a client Sunday in her kitchen. We had been slowly making progress and were both feeling pretty good about it. So, I asked her if she was keeping her floor clear and got an affirmative answer but when she moved…
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