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scheduling home maintenance plan tasks

Create a Home Maintenance Plan Using These Four Steps

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize

I think we can all agree everyone needs to have a home maintenance plan. If you aren’t sure what it is or why you need one, read this recent post: why everyone should have a maintenance plan. Just because you believe you need such a plan doesn’t mean that you know how to create one. There are four distinct steps involved in creating a home maintenance plan. Everyone’s plan will be unique to them but will incorporate these four steps. Now let’s look at the steps to take to develop a home maintenance plan that will work for you. You’ve…

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Books on a shelf to read

Honoring National Read Across America Day

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies

March 2 is National Read Across America Day. If it were up to me everyday would be a reading day. I love to read and often have several books going at a time. My frustration is in finding the time to read. This should be an easy fix for me. I’m an expert on time management so why is this a problem? Most days I have scheduled more things to do than time to do them. This means that I must have a triage plan and spend my time working on the tasks I feel are the most important. To…

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