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Have An Extreme Decluttering Project? Here Are Some Tips

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
A friend or family member may ask you to help with an extreme decluttering project for someone they love who is overwhelmed and is living with clutter. You care about the person and would love to help. Offering to Help with an Extreme Decluttering Project Offering to help is a wonderful thing to do. It is also very difficult. It will probably take a lot longer to complete this extreme decluttering project than you expect. Prepare yourself to meet with resistance from the person you are helping. First and most importantly make certain that the person with the decluttering project…
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5 Things to Do Before Summer Ends

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
School starts in just 3 weeks for many children here in Georgia. Can you believe it? Did you make your children some promises when school let out for the summer that have not been fulfilled? Even if school starts after Labor Day where you live, now’s the time to schedule these things to do before summer ends. Here are 5 Things to Do Before Summer Ends Go Local Be a tourist in your hometown. What are the local attractions, historical sights, museums, recreation centers in your hometown? Have you visited all of them? In these last few weeks of summer…
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a man using a workable filing system

Start Your New Year With a Workable Filing System

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
While making a workable file system may not be top of your list of fun things to do, you will thank yourself over and over throughout the year for having made the effort. A workable file system will make you more productive. Having that workable file system in place will expedite clearing your desk and greatly reduce the amount of time you spend looking for documents. For the purpose of this article, I am focusing on the basic file system for papers that are needed most frequently. Analyze the current problem If you have a file system now but it…
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Take Time to Reflect

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
It’s the last week of 2021. In many ways, I’m ready to say ‘Good-Bye’ to 2021 and welcome 2022 with open arms. But there’s also a part of me that wants to sit and look back at what was. I think before the start of a new year it’s good to take time to reflect on what happened that was good and acknowledge what didn’t work quite so well. I am so very proud of the work that Jonda Beattie and I have done with our joint business, Release Repurpose Reorganize, LLC, this year. At the end of 2020 we…
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