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emergency preparedness

create a home inventory

How to Create a Home Inventory

By How Long Will it Take to Organize X
September is Natural Preparedness Month. Earlier this month I wrote about survival tips for surviving a disaster. Now, I am going to focus on a plan to have in place for your home if your home is destroyed or partly destroyed by a disaster. To make this plan complete you will create a home inventory. Very few people could sit down and create a complete list of everything in their home if it was destroyed. I have a friend whose home was partially destroyed by a fire and by water damage from trying to control the fire. The home was…
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Emergency Kit for natural disasters

Are You Ready For A Natural Disaster?

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
September is National Preparedness Month. The 2021 theme is “Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love.” While you can never be truly ready for a natural disaster, you can be somewhat prepared. Some of us might be tempted to think, “I don’t live in an area prone to natural disasters. It will never happen to me.” As someone who was once ordered to suddenly leave their house due to the possibility of a tree crashing on top of it, I can tell you that we all need to be prepared for a disaster. Natural Disasters Can…
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Emergency Kit for natural disasters

Emergencies Happen – Be Prepared

By Blog, How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
While September is National Preparedness Month, emergencies can happen year-round. They often happen with little warning. You may only have minutes to evacuate. To improve your chances for survival, it is best to develop a plan and prepare a kit or “grab-and-go” bag.  Some great sources to use when making preparations are  and Judith Kolberg’s Organize for Disaster: Prepare Your Family and Home for any Natural or Unnatural Disaster. Have a Plan Put together a plan that involves the whole family. Because disasters can occur when the family is separated, have a communication plan and an emergency meet up…
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