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Why Clutter Hotspots Occur & How to Control Them

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
You have hotspots of clutter throughout your house, and it is beginning to really annoy you. There are three common clutter hotspots in most people’s homes: the laundry, kitchen and office desk. If you are like many people, the first thing you will do is to go out and buy some more containers to hold or sort all the stuff. Perhaps you get out one of your organizing books and decide your first step is to sort and purge. Maybe you call in an organizer with the hopes that they will make it all go away for you. Since you…
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de-clutter the closet

How to De-Clutter Your Closet

By Blog, How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Almost everyone has clothes, shoes, and bags in their closets that are cluttering up the closet. Sometimes the closet is so full that it’s hard to see from one end to the other. This makes it difficult to find the garment they want to wear. Figuring out how to de-clutter your closet and keep it that way is the secret sauce I am going to share with you. Everyone has a different strategy for de-cluttering your closet restoring order. No matter which strategy you choose to follow, it will take time. This is not a quick fix. Marie Kondo says…
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planning and organizing skills will help this woman organize her messy couch

Use Planning & Organizing Skills: Organize Don’t Traumatize

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize, Blog
You are a highly organized person. Your family loves to have you around because you keep everything in order and your household runs smoothly. Your friends call you for advice because they know you and your talent for planning and organizing. You have terrific planning and organizing skills.  Since they are your family and friends, you know how to approach them.  Then one day, you get a request to help organize and de-clutter a home. This request comes from Sally who had to screw up a lot of courage to make the request. Sally feels that she has never in…
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