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How Long Will it Take to Organize X

dining table piled with clutter

Organizing in 10 Minute Blocks: The Dining Room Table:

By How Long Will it Take to Organize X
Does this ever happen to you? You look at your dining room table. It looks like a small bomb went off. Maybe you wonder how this happened? Well, my dining room table looks this way because it has been a hectic week for me. Let’s look at what happened during my week. How things landed on my dining room table I came home from a client who gave me some coffee. I dropped the coffee bags on the table, made a run for the bathroom, and then started lunch. On my way home from my client I stopped and picked…
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a fatigued woman looking at clutter

Break the Fatigue Clutter Cycle

By Blog, How Long Will it Take to Organize X
Does just looking at clutter make you feel tired? Maybe it makes you want to walk out of the room, close the door, and find a calm place in which to relax. I think we all feel that way sometimes. Let's talk about ways we can break the vicious clutter cycle and feel less fatigued. I was working virtually with a client Sunday in her kitchen. We had been slowly making progress and were both feeling pretty good about it. So, I asked her if she was keeping her floor clear and got an affirmative answer but when she moved…
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