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Want to Improve Your Health? Get Organized!

By What is Your Reason to Get Organized?
Everyone wants to improve their health. Improving health reduces your chances of getting sick, increases your energy, and adds to your life span. As you improve your health you will have better sleep, diet, and relationships. You will find yourself with more “me time” and less stress. So, what does getting organized have to do with improving your health? More energy Having your space and time organized helps you feel in control of your environment. The feeling of being in control boosts your energy levels. An organized environment helps with your mental clarity and focus. When you have a plan…
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Take Time to Declutter Your Email In-Box

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
My email in-box is a mess. My friend and business partner, Diane Quintana, suggested that I would be less frustrated and more efficient if I took some time to declutter my email in-box. After all, my paper files are in good shape. Why am I balking at spending the time to declutter the email in-box? I decided to take some time to declutter my email in-box one step at-a-time. Here are the 3 steps I followed to declutter my email in-box: 1. Unsubscribe The first step is to unsubscribe from email that I no longer have an interest in. I…
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Savor Your Summer

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
Summer is already here. Organization and schedules are important, but summer is a perfect time to ease up on this structure and take the time to savor your summer. Here are some ideas to help you slow down and really enjoy your summer. Summer is often a time for vacations and changed schedules. Don’t let yourself become stressed by the changes. Set your summer schedule, prioritize, and enjoy. Set up a summer schedule Yes, you heard that right. If you don’t make a plan, your summer can fly by in a blur, and you will not have truly savored it.…
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Organizing and Managing a Budget

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
Organizing and managing a budget works much the same way as organizing and managing your time. There are several steps to take as you go about organizing and managing your money. First, I’ll review the steps to take to organize your budget. Organizing A Budget Track how you are currently using your money For one month keep track of every bit of your spending. Keep and organize all receipts – even for cash purchases. If you didn’t get a receipt, write the amount down on a piece of paper in your wallet or on another receipt that you have. I’m…
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a child drawing on a piece of paper with a crayon

Managing Your Child’s Paperwork

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
Children seem to generate a lot of paperwork, especially in their younger years. Managing your child’s paperwork and making decisions on what to do with all of it can be overwhelming. Having a plan and a system in place will keep everyone sane and happy. Keep on top of your child’s incoming paperwork. Check backpacks daily or at least weekly. Like keeping up with your incoming mail, do an immediate triage. You know that some items can be immediately trashed or recycled. For example, if your child is doing well in school there is no need to keep items like…
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A loving couple creating simple home organizing solutions

Your Home’s First Impression – Your Curb Appeal and Entryway

By It's All About You: A Personalized Approach to Achieving Your Organizing Goals
When you approach a home or a business your first impression is colored by what you see. When I was involved in competitive ballroom dance my coaches made a point of letting me know that judges start marking your rating when you first put your foot on the floor. How you present yourself as you walk on to the floor was very important. Then your first steps set the tone. If you messed up there you were pretty much done no matter how well you performed the dance later in the routine. Think of the walk that people take coming…
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A person using a hand-held vacuum on the floor of the front seat of the car - driver's side

Car Maintenance

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
In keeping with my maintenance theme, I am ending the series with the easily overlooked workhorse – the car. Our car is a major investment and often an extension of our home. Yet, because it is not actually a part of our home, car maintenance is easy to forget. Car maintenance inside the car Whether you use your car to drive to client’s homes, transport kids or pets, run errands, or haul recycling and donations, you want to keep the interior of your car tidy and clean.  Built up dirt and grime not only does not give a good impression…
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household maintenance - appliances

Household Maintenance – An Organizing Necessity Part 2

By Ask the Organizer How to Organize
Recently I talked about how household maintenance was important for a clean and organized home. There is another part of household maintenance that is not so visible. It is easy to overlook the importance of regular maintenance for our appliances. Yet, who hasn’t experienced the Thanksgiving trauma of a stove or refrigerator that has just failed? Or the dead washer or dryer after coming home from a trip with a ton of dirty laundry? Maybe returning home after a trip and finding water standing on the floor because a hot water heater died? In order to function efficiently and last…
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A woman and a man kneeling on the floor behind a coffee table in a family room dusting and polishing the furniture.

Household Maintenance – An Organizing Necessity

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Keeping your home clean and clutter free can seem like an overwhelming job. Clutter comes into every home. It is a sign that your home is lived in.  However, when you put a structured household maintenance plan into place, you gain a sense of control. This plan will ensure that clutter and disorganization don’t take over. Investing in household maintenance saves you time There is the old proverb, “A stitch in time saves nine.” It infers that if you have a small hole in your clothing, one stitch taken now will save having to sew up a larger hole later.…
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Multiple pairs of hands joining together to create a heart shape

Benefits of Joining a Virtual Organizing Group

By How to Declutter: Use Simple Strategies
Virtual organizing has been around for quite some time.  This is when a professional organizer works one-on-one with an individual remotely. My colleague, Diane Quintana, and I both offer that service along with other professional organizers. The benefits of virtual organizing are many. Virtual Accessibility You can participate from anywhere. It doesn't matter if you are in the same area as your organizer. And while it is probably more beneficial to log in near the project you are working on, it isn’t absolutely necessary. If you are away from home, you can still participate. Safer environment No one is coming…
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