Virtual organizing has been around for quite some time. This is when a professional organizer works one-on-one with an individual remotely. My colleague, Diane Quintana, and I both offer that service along with other professional organizers.
The benefits of virtual organizing are many.
Virtual Accessibility
You can participate from anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you are in the same area as your organizer. And while it is probably more beneficial to log in near the project you are working on, it isn’t absolutely necessary. If you are away from home, you can still participate.
Safer environment
No one is coming to your home or place where you are working. You don’t need to worry about a person you don’t know in your space or about spreading illness.
More affordable
Because the organizer does not have travel time involved and is not physically handling and/or taking away your items, the charge per hour is less than hands on organizing.
Shorter sessions
Shorter sessions are easier to work into your schedule. Virtual organizing sessions are usually only one or two hours long making the sessions easier to schedule around other obligations.
You are in control of what the organizer can see
Virtual sessions are usually done by Zoom calls or Facetime. You can put the camera wherever you want or even leave the camera off. You only show what you want the organizer to see in order to help you with your project.
Easier to focus on just the task at hand
The sessions are shorter, and you usually only work on one project. During that short period of time, it is easier to focus on just that one project and make more progress.
Cheerleading session
Your professional organizer gives you positive feedback throughout your session. They will see things that you have accomplished that you might not even notice.
Knowledge and skill transfer is high
Your professional organizer shares information concerning your project and learning style as you work. Positive reinforcement of emerging new habits and skills is ongoing. You learn how to transfer what is working in one area to a new area. You are empowered and guided to create strategies specifically tailored to your needs.
There are even more benefits of joining a virtual organizing group.
You are not the only one
Often people feel shame or feel that they are the only person who can’t handle getting projects done on their own. It is comforting to know that others have similar difficulties.
Community support
The group setting allows you to draw motivation and encouragement from others facing similar challenges.
More affordable
The group sessions cost less than the equivalent time of individual virtual sessions.
In the virtual organizing group that Diane Quintana and I run you have two professional organizers that understand the nuances of decluttering and who bring their combined years of experience to the group. While we both agree on important concepts, we each have a slightly different style and can brainstorm with you to create strategies specifically tailored to you. These strategies will provide you with practical and actionable solutions that address your needs.
We also use a holistic approach to organization, recognizing that clutter and disorganization can extend beyond physical spaces. We work with you to employ planning, daily routines and time management approaches to your projects.
If you are ready to commit to working on a project in a virtual group, join Diane Quintana and me in our Clear Space For You virtual organizing group. The group will offer ideas, support, and gentle accountability for working on developing plans or projects.
Jonda S. Beattie, Professional Organizer owner of Time Space Organization, and co-owner of Release, Repurpose, Reorganize. She is based in the Metro-Atlanta area. As presenter, award-winning author, as well as a retired special education teacher she uses her listening skills, problem solving skills, knowledge of different learning techniques, ADHD specialty, and paper management skills to help clients.
What a great option you guys are offering! It’s a big commitment for you two, but I think you can reach more people this way. I’m intrigued. I’ve never offered something like this, but I’m considering it. I like the idea of having a small group with whom I meet on a weekly basis. It’s nice that you offer both a daytime and evening option.
Do you pick a topic to discuss or just invite attendees to bring whatever their questions are each time?
As a veteran organizer who has transitioned to offering only virtual organizing services, I love how you describe the client benefits of working virtually. It’s also wonderful that you offer a virtual support group in addition to the one-on-one services.
I don’t offer support groups, but instead, I do interactive virtual workshops. Integral to the workshops is time for the participants to share their specific challenges. Not only do they receive relevant feedback, but fellow attendees benefit from camaraderie and not feeling alone with their organizational challenges.
Great post! While virtual organizing has been around for a while, people still do not know much about it. Thanks for sharing the benefits of virtual organizing and virtual organizing groups. It’s important to spread the word.
I knew about some of these benefits, but not all! Thanks for a very informative post and for developing this service for those who need it.
I’m sure this will be eye-opening for many. You’ve enumerated so many potential merits of virtual organizing, and I can just imagine how much help and support you and Diane provide to your virtual organize groups. This post will encourage so many to see help in ways they didn’t realize they could obtain.
This is a clear and concise article about the benefits of working with a professional organizer virtually. I love that you guys have a group that you work with, I bet that can be a lot of fun! I, too, offer virtual organizing and find that it is much less intrusive and doesn’t take as much energy from the client or the organizer. Great post, thank you!