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Jonda and Diane present decluttering tips to a group
diane quintana and jonda beattie standing at podium

Diane Quintana and Jonda Beattie team up to present dynamite informative sessions full of decluttering tips. Each topic outlined below can be either a sixty or ninety minute presentation depending on the requirement for your group.

Organize Don’t Traumatize:

Learn valuable techniques and strategies during this interactive presentation that enable someone who self-identifies as having special needs to engage in the organizational process.  These decluttering tips come from years of working with clients that feel overwhelmed by difficult situations, chronic disorganization, hoarding like behaviors, or other challenging behaviors. Diane and Jonda create personalized plans that will help organize and not traumatize during the projects.

Paper Organizing Challenges:

Use our organizing tips to get control of all the paper in your life. We will answer questions like: Where does all the paper come from? What papers to keep? How long to keep them and How to find them when you want them?

Plan to Lose:

Participants will learn organizing and decluttering tips to for the pantry and refrigerator. We teach the importance of meal planning; how to make a grocery list to avoid impulse purchases and how to plan fitness into their schedule so they can plan to lose weight!

Downsizing? The what, why and how:

We all know what downsizing is all about, right? Let us give your group great organizing  and decluttering tips so that you are better informed about how to go about the process. We also give strategies for dealing with what may be holding you back.

DeClutter to De-Stress:

Clutter in your home contributes to the stress in your life. This workshop teaches you organizing tips to easily remove clutter from your home and reduce the stress in your life.

The 411 on Hoarding:

Is someone you love keeping too much stuff? Most of us have seen the dramatization of hoarding on television. It is not a pretty picture. Let us give you some decluttering tips and strategies that you can use to help your acquaintance, friend, or loved one. Use our book: Filled Up and Overflowing as a reference.

Surviving the Holidaze:

This presentation gives you organizing tips to help you better manage and declutter your time and space. When the holidays arrive, you will be able to enjoy them without worry. Come to this fun interactive workshop and go home with great organizing tips and enthusiasm for the coming season!

To learn more about any of these presentations and scheduling Diane and Jonda to speak at your next event, contact us by clicking the button below.